兜町- 進化する金融の中心地 Kabutocho – An Evolving Financial Hub

19 世紀後半には、日本初の銀行と証券取引所の本拠地となり、証券会社やトレーダーの流入への道が開かれました。最盛期の 1980 年代には 100 社を超える金融会社が立ち並び、「日本のウォール街」としての地位を確立しました。最近では、新しいレストラン、バー、ブティック ホテルが建ち、トレンディーな地区として生まれ変わっています。兜町の魅力にぜひご参加ください。

The Kabutocho district in central Tokyo has a long history as a financial hub. In the late 19th century, it became home to Japan’s first bank and stock exchange, paving the way for an influx of securities firms and traders. At its peak in the 1980s, over 100 financial companies lined the streets, and it developed a reputation as the Wall Street of Japan. Recently it’s been reinventing itself as a trendy neighborhood with new restaurants, bars and a boutique hotel. Join us as we dive into Kabutocho.

NHK WORLD : Dive in Tokyo


浅草 – 夏の風物詩を巡るAsakusa – A Tour of Summer Traditions

浅草は日本で最も人気のある観光地の 1 つです。
Asakusa is one of Japan’s most popular tourist destinations. It’s home to many historic temples and shrines which people gather in and around for a variety of events held throughout the year. A summer prayer service that harnesses the power of heat. A street fair where plant vendors showcase their pride and joy. A special ceremony to mark the opening of a miniature Mt. Fuji. These are just some of the traditions local residents have kept alive for generations. Join us as we dive into Asakusa!



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